Harry Freedman

“If I don’t know it, nobody does!” says Harry Freedman.

Is he serious? Of course not. Yet from comedy clubs to corporate events to television shows, audiences take Harry Freedman very seriously–right up until the moment they realize they have been had!

As “the nation’s leading expert,” comedian Harry Freedman convinces audiences he is a doctor, bureaucrat, presidential adviser, or a psychologist–and the list goes on. But who is he? Harry Freedman is really the king of comedy put-ons.

It’s hard to imagine how audiences are hoodwinked by a comedian whose TV credits include “America’s Funniest People,” “Comedy On The Road,” “Stand-Up Spotlight” with Rosie O’Donnel, and who has written for the highly acclaimed sitcom “Everybody Loves Raymond,” “Caroline’s Comedy Hour,” and Showtime Specials. Harry has also been profiled in The New York Times, The International Herald Tribune, The Miami Herald, and Convention South.

But thanks to his ability to never crack a smile and what’s been described as his “generic executive look,” Harry Freedman fools audiences time and time again. On the club and concert circuit, Harry Freedman has fun with audiences by posing as a doctor who is moonlighting as a standup comic. On the corporate lecture circuit, Harry is introduced as a newly hired executive, government regulator, or outside consultant who starts off for real and uses custom tailored material to fool the audience until they’re laughing so hard, they eventually realize they’ve been had.

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Quick Bio

Harry's TV credits include "America’s Funniest People," "Comedy On The Road," "Stand-Up Spotlight" with Rosie O’Donnel, and he has written for and appeared in the highly acclaimed sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond."


Clever role playing and character acting that will take your audience by surprise with laughter.


Corporate Comedians
Improv Comedians

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