Sean Bott

Comedy Mentalist Sean Bott grew-up in Saudi Arabia, where inhaling desert-dust and scorching-heat has severely warped his brain.

He has entertained corporate audiences such as: 20th Century Fox, Disney, and Pacific Steel. The LA Times describes Sean as “a crazy mix between Jack Black and Criss Angel. Amazing!” Corporate audiences love his blend of hilarious character and psychic entertainment (just wait until you see their reactions for yourself).

Although most agree Sean’s mental feats are awesome, it is his comedic timing, improvisational skill, and his hilarious character-voices that win audiences over.

Sean’s innovative and distinct comedy mind reading has gotten him featured on MTV, Sci-Fi and the CW. His film credits include Disney’s Guide to Life, the Sci-Fi Channel’s Dead Rail, and 127 Hours with James Franco.

His fast-wit, wacky characters, and comedy improvisation make his comedy mentalism as addicting as some Peruvian coffees.

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Quick Bio

Sean’s innovative and distinct comedy mind reading has gotten him featured on MTV, Sci-Fi and the CW. His film credits include Disney’s Guide to Life, the Sci-Fi Channel’s Dead Rail, and 127 Hours with James Franco.


Sean will read your mind and leave you laughing


Corporate Comedians
Variety Acts

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